And so it begins. First day of ‘Weltschmerz’ recording and Craig Blundell joins us in the Studio to work on the drum tracks. Hugely productive day with Calum Malcolm and Steve at the ‘coalface’. We’d met up with Craig when he was playing with Steve Hackett in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago, sent him the tracks and he arrived last night to set up and begin nailing them down today It’s incredible the energy and life he’s brought to the party and there are big smiles in the control room today.An immense pleasure working with him and so glad to have him on board for the sessions.He makes it sound effortless and has already cracked 3 and about to hit 4 before we close for tonight.

Before I went down to the SAS gigs at the weekend Steve and I just about completed another new song, ‘The Party’s Over’ taking us up to 10 songs and about 75 mins worth of music with another still to finish during the sessions that should clip in at around 8 mins. That ladies and gentleman is an ‘old fashioned’ double album! 🙂

And there’s not a filler on the block! 😉
#paiste #mapex #cymbals #drumming #recordingsessions #weltschmerz #craigblundell