And so it begins. With my Mum now living here at the studio we are woefully short of accomodation and so had to look at alternate living space. Steve Vantsis volunteered to live under canvas in the garden and we pulled out my old Vango pup tent from West Highland Walk days last time he was here. It was fine for a weekend but on a longer term basis we needed something a bit more substantial. Between Steve, Rab and myself we found an ideal solution at #tauntonleisure and duly purchased a #robens Klondike tent that has a 6 man capacity.It’s a ‘brammer’ as they say up here and as you can see tall enough for a fish to stand upright in.
Not wanting to ruin my lawn that I’ve been investing time and money in having repaired and nurtured it throughout this year we erected the canvas down in the orchard. It’s a glorious sight and Steve, who arrives on Sunday to work on the mixes for the live album from the last tour, should be a happy bunny together with all the other bunnies in the garden.
His willingness to experience the great outdoors I’m putting down to a mild mid life crisis but I have to admit that Simone and I did think of moving down there ourselves and donating the spare room where we currently live to my bass player.
He told me yesterday he’s well prepared and is arriving with a selection of solar lights and other accoutrements to make his stay comfortable.There’s a carpet interior and a mattress with an option to put in a stove as the tent has roof vents. Quite plush really!
As well as the live ‘Clutching’ material we have rehearsals starting with the band the following weekend at a nearby farm where you’l be pleased to know that we also have accomodation for the others. Putting them all in the tent ( including Doris Brendal) would have been too much to ask for!
Steve however may elect for his orchard residence and while we move into the next writing phase across the summer he’ll be our local hermit- something I recall was quite fashionable to have in Victorian era estates.
It’s all a bit ‘Famous Five’ and I’m sure there will be lashings of ginger beer over the coming weeks