Fishheads Club website and Fish TV

30 April 2012

John Reid arrived late Friday night for a weekend of techy talk and web site advancement, our first meet since we came up with the idea at the end of January,where we could physically go through some of the procedures I need to learn to be more hands on and contribute more to the site than I have been able to with “The Company” web site.

First up on my learning curve was utilising Word Press and associating it with routing to various media outlets.Blogs will become a bit more special in the coming months as I now have discovered how to add photos and inserts etc.The Photo Gallery on the Fishheads Club site is also up and running and understood.

The big break through is the ability to edit and add videos to our new Fishheads Club TV corner on YouTube. The link to the first one we have put up is below.

Although most of the first clips will be historical, mainly coming from the “13th Star” recording and touring, I will be adding monthly podcasts and footage shot as we traverse the world and develop the “Feast of Consequences” material during the rest of the year.

The 13th Star material was first put up as a “pay per view” download as an experiment with a project known as Fish TV. We didn’t get the support to continue as editing and compiling material was too expensive at the time. I decided to add all the footage to the YouTube site for free viewing rather than selling it on in a DVD format.

It’s quite strange watching it now as plans declared at the time moved and changed and other things were to come into my life that would cause massive disruption and blow me well off course.

There are some very funny moments and some great live clips amongst the material that I will be adding as the weeks go by.
First clip up is the return to Manchester for the replacement show and not knowing at the time that the following year I would be in for my first vocal operation on a cyst that was already plaguing me!Great shots of Taz at work on the merch stall made me smile! 🙂

John is looking at an app for the website which can be added to Blackberry’s and android devices. Still waiting on the iPhone capability but again we hope to have that for the live launch sometime at the end of May when we have compiled a lot more elements for the Fishheads Club web site.

At the end of the weekend I felt a lot more comfortable with the techy demands and only time and experimenting will polish my skills.
I’m particularly excited about the new Nero Platinum software I now have at my control!

Everything is moving forward and in parallel to the events ranged throughout the year.

It’s going to be fun getting the Sony HD camera out the case again after so long and also utilising the Nikon 300 SLR in movie mode.
Looking forward to reclining in my directors chair on set! :-))