A Feast of Consequences – the plan

17 January 2012

I have already began scribbling notes and forming crystals in the writing of “Feast Of Consequences” On Monday Calum Malcolm committed to the album and to be honest he is as excited as me about the concept and direction I discussed with him.In order to fit in with his demanding schedule and to give him a decent window and me a deadline to put the pressure on while still giving adequate time to complete the writing we agreed on recording in August and September with mixes finished by first week of October for release to coincide with the tour.I plan to write everything on acoustic in a traditional way and then embellishing the material in the studio rather than writing in the studio itself.This means pre production rehearsals in July so we are going in with finished songs.The recording band will be the same as the touring band but the writing team will involve outside musicians who for various reasons I can’t name yet due to their commitments to their own projects.Both Calum and I see this as an album that will be blues and soul inspired with complex and electric overtones in very much the same area as perhaps “Floyds “Animals” or “Wish You Were Here”, both albums that inspired us in our formative years.That is not to say we are following that route but the combined usage of electric and acoustic, space and dynamic which I have enjoyed on the Fishheads Club tour will be employed as a base for the album’s style.The lyrical themes of “what if?” will be employed in various scenarios embracing personal,political,social and environmental issues. As the material comes together both lyrics and demos will be added to the Fishheads Club website and there is the possibility of a return to Planet Rock for similar shows to those I presented during the making of the “13th Star” album. This is still under discussion with the station but I firmly hope that we can make it happen.

The possibilities of working with the orchestra in Bulgaria have also thrown some ideas into the mix and I’d like to think that the album recordings will employ sounds I’ve hitherto not used before.As with 13th Star I plan to document the project for limited edition material with cameras throughout the process.

You’ll be kept abreast of developments throughout the writing and recording on the Fishheads website and beyond.

Mark Wilkinson and I already have ideas re the artwork which will be a combination of Mark’s airbrushing and my photographs.Again this process will be open through both my own and Mark’s websites.

It’s going to take some time to create but I hope this will be an album that is well worth waiting for.


Onkel Fish